What is Yoga?

Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. It is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge, creating a holistic discipline, uniting the body, mind and soul.

Yoga is many things to many people – we have naturally been doing it since we were babies. Many people practice yoga as a physical exercise moving the body through a sequence of twists, turns, balances and stretches to lengthen muscles and release fascia leading to suppleness and strength. However, this is only one part of this profound science – it is a complete package that moves from breathing to meditation, balance to release, well-being to calm, even sweating to relaxation.

What can Yoga do for you?

Blending the physical challenge of Yoga postures with mindfulness and steady breathing triggers a different response in the nervous system that enables you to remain active, whilst keeping an underlying sense of calm.

Back Injury / Health Issues?

Keeping your back strong and supple is the best way to avoid getting back pain. Taking regular exercise, such as Yoga, and maintaining good posture will help.

Stressed Out?

Simple breathing and relaxation exercises have a positive effect on your sense of well being and can reduce your stress levels. These techniques will allow you to quieten the "mind chatter" as well as boost oxygen levels to the brain.

Physically Tired?

Physical movements will increase your stamina and endurance, whilst giving you tools to allow you to release tension and re-energise your system. As you learn how to manage your breath your lung capacity will also increase, which in turn will enable you to take on more oxygen and breath deeper.

Sports Related?

Many sports involve a series of rapid forceful movements, using maximum effort and therefore increasing the risk of injury and muscle tension. Yoga works on re-addressing the imbalance resulting in an injury free healthier you. Many top sports stars accredit Yoga to their longevity in their chosen sport.

Yoga can benefit us all in our lives. Whether you suffer from any of the problems highlighted, or you just want to make some time for your self, come and find out what Yoga can do for you.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions...