British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) Foundation Course

Are you looking for another step on your yoga journey that will allow you to explore in a practical and experiential way all the incredible tools yoga has to offer? This course is for you. I have teamed up with Judy Brenan, another BWY teacher from Shrewsbury to offer this fantastic course in Shrewsbury.

Who it is for?

The Foundation Course 1 is a personal development course, ideal for anyone who wishes to broaden their knowledge of yoga and develop their personal practice. It is an ideal preparation for those who may wish to train as yoga teachers in the future* but is equally suitable for yoga students who simply want to delve deeper into yoga.

The course enables students to study yoga in more depth than is possible in a regular class. Each day of the course combines practical yoga sessions, study, discussion and group work. Students are encouraged to explore how they can bring yoga in all its glory into their everyday lives. You will be required to practise regularly throughout the course and are encouraged to reflect upon and make notes on your practice in journal form.

There is no formal written work.

At the end of the course, you will be awarded the BWY Foundation Course 1 Certificate of Attendance.

*Completion of the Foundation Course, would be advantageous when applying to join a BWY Teaching Diploma course and is highly recommended.


1. Minimum of two years’ class attendance with a suitably qualified and experienced yoga teacher.

2. Students must join the British Wheel of Yoga, if not already a member (see below).

Length of Course:

The course comprises 10 days (one Sunday a month) over a period of 11 months. Each session will run between 9.30 and 4.30 with breaks for tea/coffee and lunch.

There will be an additional introductory half day, which will give you the chance to find out more about the course, meet the tutors and decide if the course is for you.

The Course:

The core syllabus includes:

  • Asana (postures)
  • Basic breathing
  • Pranayama (breath control)
  • Concentration & simple meditation techniques
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Hasta mudra (hand ‘sealing’ gestures)
  • Kriya (cleansing practices)
  • Chanting

In addition, we will:

  • Dive deeper into Yoga Philosophy (using Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras) looking at the 8 limbs of yoga and how we can incorporate these into our daily lives
  • Explore different Styles of Yoga (e.g. Yin, Astanga, Iyengar, etc.)
  • Learn about the History of Yoga.

Reviews from Previous Students:

“I started the Foundation Course thinking yoga was an exercise class and finish it knowing it is a way of life.” – MD

“My yoga toolbox is fuller for sure.” – JL

“I liked the counterbalancing of Jules and Judy’s styles – they are both excellent teachers and I learned so much more than I ever thought I would. I liked the encouragement to maintain a regular practice and to move beyond viewing this purely in terms of a physical practice.” – CO

‘This has certainly been a journey of self-discovery and one that I feel is important to continue with, as it’s still only just beginning…. I’m learning (slowly) to just be me, in the moment, wherever that may be, to accept what is and surrender.’ – SD