Face to Face and Live On-Line Yoga classes with Jules

I am offering a variety of classes to suit all abilities and some from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

The classes are predominantly Hatha Yoga blending a mix of other styles and disciplines to suit every ‘body’.

9.30am - 10.30am*
10.30am – 11.45am
8.30am - 9.45am
6.30pm – 7.45pm
6.30pm - 7.45pm*
6.00pm - 7.15pm

* These are both face to face class and are suitable for all abilities. Both of these classes are a wonderful way to practice in person. Monday’s class takes place at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms and Tuesday’s class at Shrewsbury High School – contact me for more details if you are interested.

‘Live’ on-line classes (all abilities detailed above)

To keep things simple the live on-line classes will take the format of one hour of physical yoga practice (including warm ups, short vinyasas, strength building and targeted supple enhancing asanas or postures) and then 15 minutes of either breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation or relaxation or a combination of these. I am doing this so you know what to expect and, if necessary, can choose to do as much or as little as you wish.

On-line Class charges

Live Stream Classes are £6.50 per session with reductions if you purchase 5 or 10 credits.

Pay £6.50 on the day or get 5 sessions for £30.00 or 10 sessions for £60.00.  Payment can be made directly to my bank account (details on request) or by PayPal using the following link:


If you don’t have access to electronic payments please get in touch and ask for my address so that you can send me a cheque.

However, if you feel you are unable to meet this cost please talk to me privately and we can sort something out on an individual basis.

Tips for practising on line with Zoom

I am using the Zoom meeting platform for these classes. It’s free and easy (but you may have to download the app) and all you have to do is click on the Zoom link and follow the instructions to join the class. Make sure you join with audio and camera so I can see you and you can hear my full instructions. Once the class starts I will mute you all, and if you wish to turn off your camera at that point it’s up to you, but it is great for me to see you and be able to offer modifications or adjustments if you need help.

Set up your device with the camera pointing at you: a laptop or tablet is ideal but a smartphone will also work. Try to have the majority of your body and mat in view, both when lying, sitting and standing although you will get chance to adjust your camera when we move into the standing part of the class.

Test out your software and connection before the session and I will be waiting 10 minutes before the class starts to chat and 10 minutes after class if you have any que