Hello and welcome to my newsletter, designed with YOU in mind and to enable me to help you be the best version of yourself. I will give you tips, tools and techniques to help improve your daily life and yoga practice, and maybe introduce you to things you never knew existed!

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Self Awareness

I have always been interested in the mind, the way it operates and mental health in many forms. As a former management trainer, I ran courses in many personality profiling tools. I recently discovered ‘Clifton Strengths’ and have been blown away by the things I have discovered. Some I was reluctant to admit because I believed I had to suppress them in order to fit in and some I now understand why they matter to me. Now I know we are all unique and there is nobody on the planet like me or you, or ever will be- how WOW is that!? You can learn how to do it your way and be productive, confident and achieve results. My number 1 strength is Positivity. Want to find out what yours is? Check out this link


If you sign up and complete your strengths report, I can guide you through what it all means and how you can use the results to understand why you act and think the way you do- it’s a-ma-zing! 

Yoga position:

Semi-Supine - chest and shoulder release

Opening your upper chest and releasing shoulders in Semi-Supine.

This pose is invaluable for maintaining a healthy spine by supporting it and allowing it to release and this variation will counter the “lockdown effect”.

Lie on a firm flat surface (on the floor if possible) over a rolled blanket or towel (use a smaller towel for more restricted shoulders). Place the roll crosswise under the thoracic spine (the mid back, where the ribs attach) and if you require with acushion under the head. Rest the arms in an open position either by the side of the body or over the head in a V or W shape ensuring the back of the arms, hands and wrists are connected to the floor. Take your attention to your breath and each time your mind begins to wonder, gently bring your attention back to your breath and your body’s relationship with the earth. This position gently expands the front rib cage and upper abdomen releasing tension across the front of the chest and back of the shoulder often termed as “opening the heart”.

This position can also be enjoyed with legs extended, provided there are no lumbar spine issues. 

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